Android Tactical Assault Kit, ATAK, is a game-changer for increasing situational awareness and is ideal for law enforcement and military operators. ATAK is app-based and available to all government agencies and provides the ability to view the location of various elements within the area of operation. The system utilizes Blue Force Tracking to track team members in real-time and help coordinate movements. ATAK also uses Red Force Tracking to see where “bad guys” and dangerous elements may be. Operators can view entered points of interest like terrain, topographical elements, and even weather. It also enables encrypted data communication like text and file sharing (i.e., photos and videos) for user-to-user, user-to-team, user-to-command, or user-to-entire force communications, which was never before available until ATAK.
ECOTI (Enhanced Clip-on Thermal Viewer)
The Safran Optics 1 ECOTI is a night vision enhancement and visual augmentation system that provides unmatched detection capability and situational awareness by adding a long wave infrared thermal overlay on the user’s night vision device. It bears a lightweight, compact design and significantly increases an operator’s ability to detect and eliminate threats. It has low-power consumption, thermal sensor technology, and high-performance optics that integrate seamlessly. ECOTI is designed for low-light and no-light environmental conditions such as dense foliage, caves, and tunnel systems.


ECOTI / ATAK Integration
The ECOTI integrates with ATAK and acts as a heads up display, HUD. The Augmented Reality, AR, capability connects to the app and aids in identifying teammates and targets, while also providing point-to-point navigation, allowing for a heads up and hands-free operation.

ECOSI (Enhanced Clip-on SWIR Imager)
The Safran Optics 1 ECOSI bears the same lightweight, compact design, yet offers a different, critical technology. It adds a short wave infrared overlay on to the user’s night vision device. It can see out of band markers, designators, strobes, beacons, and pointers that operate in the SWIR spectrum, undetectable by standard NVDs. It allows JTACs, JFOs, and FOs, to view laser makers and designators during day or night operations. Like the ECOTI, ECOSI connects to ATAK to provide AR and HUD capability.
ECOSI can be used during the day when attached to the Optics 1 Daytime See-Spot 2x Extender. This accessory provides See-Spot, PRF code counting, and zoom capability all in a small handheld or rail mountable configuration.

Key Features:
- Overlay on to the I2 scene and does not require modification to existing hardware
- Heads up display capability that shows COT icons for situational awareness and route navigation
- Powered by a single CR123 battery and/or connects to an external battery pack
- Waterproof up to 20 meters
- Built-in 16GB SD card for image capture
- Can be used during the day or night, mounted to NVGs or handheld
Two thermal detection modes:
- White Hot
- Black Hot
Three observation modes:
- Full Thermal
- Patrol
- Outline
Two polarity modes:
- White observe
- Black observe
Two observation modes:
- See-Spot
- Pointer